Our paper “Real-time Energy Disaggregation at Substations with Behind-the-Meter Solar Generation” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. This is a joint work by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and GEIRINA.
[2020/11] Our new paper on load analysis, entitled "Real-time Energy Disaggregation at Substations with Behind-the-Meter Solar Generation", has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

- [2020/10] Our new paper on load modeling, entitled "Imitation and Transfer Q-learning-Based Parameter Identification for Composite Load Modeling", has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
- [2020/9] The paper “Sizing battery storage for islanded microgrid systems to enhance robustness against attacks on energy sources” has been awarded as the 2019 Best Paper of Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE)
- [2020/8] Yishen presented the work “Two-stage WECC composite load modeling: a deep reinforcement learning approach” at the panel on “Observability and controllability of power distribution system in big data era” at the IEEE PES General Meeting (invited by Dr. Yi Wang)
- [2020/7] Our new paper on oscillation, entitled "Data-Driven Low Frequency Oscillation Mode Identification and Preventive Control Strategy Based on Gradient Descent", has been accepted by Electric Power System Research
- [2020/7] Our new paper on load analytics, entitled "Self-organizing Probability Neural Network Based Intelligent Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring with Applications to Low-cost Residential Measuring Devices", has been accepted by Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control