Unit Commitment

Electricity Markets with Stochastic Wind Integration

Argonne National Laboratory

Toward Cost-Efficient and Reliable Unit Commitment Under Uncertainty

Large-scale integration of wind farms causes volatile bus net injections. Although these fluctuations are anticipated, their timing, magnitude and duration cannot be predicted accurately. In order to maintain the operational reliability of the …

Near-Optimal Method for Siting and Sizing of Distributed Storage in a Transmission Network

Energy storage can alleviate the problems that the uncertainty and variability associated with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar create in power systems. Besides applications such as frequency control, temporal arbitrage or the …

Unit commitment under uncertainty–GAMS models

—This paper accompanies the GAMS unit commitment models from the repository of REAL Laboratory at the University of Washington.

Comparison of scenario reduction techniques for the stochastic unit commitment

A number of scenario reduction techniques have been proposed to make possible the practical implementation of stochastic unit commitment formulations. These scenario-reduction techniques aggregate similar scenarios based on their metrics, such as …

Effect of time resolution on unit commitment decisions in systems with high wind penetration

The increasing share of wind power in power systems requires changes in the operating procedures. Day-ahead scheduling no longer has to fit only with slow and easily predictable changes in load, but also with more abrupt changes in wind power. …

A Comparison of Unit Commitment Techniques Dealing with Uncertainty